Saturday, July 4, 2015

Life is a climb but the view is great. | Mt. Tarak Ridge | July 2015

One of my faith goal this year is to really try my best to explore, discover and try new things that is out of my comfort zone. I started by overcoming my fear to swim, do some water sports, trekking and going to places that I'm not familiar with. Then this month, I decided to finally climb. 

"Getting to the top is optional but getting down is mandatory." This is what I learned from Mt. Tarak Ridge. This mountain is very popular with its punishing trail. This is actually not recommended for beginners but because I'm not usually listening to the advises and I just do what I want to do, I was shocked of how hard it is. I almost give up because my feet and legs are already shaking. 
This major climb mountain is located at the Mariveles Bataan, a 1,130 MASL. It is not even close to the half size of Mt. Pulag but this mountain is considered as a one heck major climb because of its craggy landscape, sharp rocks and steep location that may have given rise to its name "Tarak" which means Tabak (hunting knife) and Tarik (steep). 
From the Jump off area
Jump off: Alas-asin Mariveles
Days required: 1 day (4-5 hours to summit)
Specs: Major Climb, Difficulty: 5/9
The trail is divided into two parts. The first part of the trail which will consume for 1 hour only is very easy because of its flat ground. Our muscles are still relax and we can still do some talking and picture taking

After 30 minutes, we passed by in a place where people's tarpaulins who climb the mountain are posted. We got inspired by those pictures and it gave us an excitement too.

The second part of the trail is very rocky which you need to climb for four (4) hours and I'm telling you it's not friendly. Our legs doesn't have a choice but to be strong. Go climb up and then go down again. We always have this question. "Malapit na ba? Ilang hours pa po?" We keep on asking this because we are tired already and literally we want to stop. As a part of encouragement to myself, I open my ipod and go through to my christian songs playlist then I keep on telling to my self the Philippians 4:13. "I can do all things through Christ to strengthens me" and it works. I just love how God reminds me why I'm doing this. 
After few hours, we stopped by at the Papaya River. It gives shade from the heat and offers fresh water which you can really drink.
After having a short break at the Papaya River, I have told to myself not to missed any beautiful view. So I took some awesome shots (well me for it is haha) that makes me believe that this world has a lot to offer. Taking pictures has been my hobby ever since, its like trying to catch the moment for me to remember and reminisce again after how many years. Capturing nature's beauty really gives me joy and that's how I found my passion and what I really want to do with my life. I thank God for this revelation. 

After climbing for 5 hours, finally we reached the summit. I almost cried because of the joy I felt. "I did it. I did not give up. I did it. Thank you Lord." I can't even explain how happy I am. It is a wonderful experience and I'm hungry to do it again and planning to overcome different mountains. 
I'm thankful because God did not gave me the fear of heights. I actually love it! I love being in a high places where I can see almost everything. 
"Climb the mountains. Not so the world can see you, but so you can see the World."

Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep on climbing. Thank you trailadventours for the wonderful experience. 
And of course, here is short clip of my first official climb for this year. 

"It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves" 

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