Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Will never get tired of this | Pico De Loro | August 2015

"Adventure is when you find yourself whole"

I think almost everyone have already experience those moments like you lost something and you want to get it back but you don't know how, where or sometimes to whom. It's like trying to do something that you thought will make you happy but at the end it doesn't change anything. 

I felt so lost and I just found myself questioning, am I happy? Did I already move on completely? Did I already accepted that it will not happen again? Because I lost something 2 years ago and I don't know if I will ever redeem it again. 

My and my friend don planned a Pico De Loro Day Hike with our friends and called it "TeamMayForever!" Yes, we do believe that forever do exist.. with God :) 

Here are the little facts about the mountain:
  • It is a 664 MASL, considered as the highest peak in the province of Cavite. This hike is perfect for beginners because of its friendly trail. 
  • It is a part of Mt. Palay Palay.
  • It is the famous parrot peak because in the early days, the Spaniards saw a form of a giant parrot and that's why they named it "Pico De Loro".
Ternate Jump Off
How to go?
Ride a bus going to Ternate Cavite at Coastal Mall. It will took you 2-3 hours trip depending on the traffic. Ride a tricycle to Jump off. Just some a piece of advice, try to hike during weekdays if you don't want crowds. 
Group pic at the Jump Off
We started our hike at 9:00 am. It was a bit sunny but good thing the trails are covered with trees. After 15 minutes of walking, we passed by a river flowing with fresh water. 
The mountains has two trails, the old and the recently opened new trail. I have never experience the old trail but they say it is a gradual climb and more shaded by trees. To tell you honestly, even though the new trail is covered by trees, I can't feel much air compared with the other mountains. The trail is friendly but it was exhausting because of lack of air. Don't know the reason why but it makes me think that the old trail is better as the other mountaineers mentioned it in their blogs. 
This was our 1st break after a 30 minute walk. If you have first timers in your team, be careful not to be insensitive. Take a break for them to catch their breath. They are not experience as you are. 
We even passed by a small balete tree. This one reminds of Baler. Oh I miss baler :)

After two hours of hiking, this was the first view we saw. This is actually a sign that we're almost near the camp. 
So this was our second break. We even used fan because we can't feel much air. 
And finally, we are in the campsite. And the parrot peak's looks so gorgeous! It was another different feeling again. I can't wait to climb at the summit and monolith that's why we decided not to take our lunch first. It was so exciting!
Group picture!
Solo pictures at the campsite
And this is my third summit! It was more beautiful on the personal and I don't think pictures can give justice on how magnificent the view is. I fell in love with Pico as soon as I saw it. And the monolith, it was stunning! The formation of its rock is incredible. I wonder what God was thinking when he created this. Itss too perfect! 
If you're already on the summit, do not miss the chance of going to the top of the monolith. It will be hard but everything will be worth it. Lucky for us we are the only people that time that's why we have the place on our own and we did individual amazing shots. 
You can take your lunch either to the summit or to the monolith but for us, we decided to start descent as soon as we can so we can still go to the beach. 

After 2.5 hours, we are already at the batangas jump off and took a tricycle to Nasugbu. From there, it took us 50 minutes to arrive at the beach. 

This is such a great reward. Aside from me being a fan of mountain, I also love being in the water. Whether it is a sea, falls, river or even rain. We had our lunch/dinner and took a shower before going back to Manila. 


Below is the video summary of our Pico De Loro Trip. I suggest all of you to do this for more memorable moment. :)

"A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step"

Breakdown of expenses:
Bus from Coastal Mall to Ternate P81 each
Tricycle P85 each
DENR Fee P25 each
Tour Guide from Campsite to Monolith to descent P100 each
Tricycle to Nasugbu P500 (group of 3)
Food P30 each
Comfort Room/Shower Room P15 each
Bus to Edsa P155 each
Bus to Cubao P27 each
Total of P685

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