Sunday, February 15, 2015

Wakeboarding. Nuvali | February 2015

After trying surfing at Baler, I had this feeling that I want to have another water sports to do. 
Good thing Laguna is quite near to Manila so I immediately jumped to Republic Wave Park located at Nuvali Laguna.Thank you for my friend who accompanied me in my very sudden decision.. 
So from Cubao, we left at 5:30 am riding a bus for P65 only. Too early? Yes because we want to be the first one to be there when they open. 

Thank you Jollibee for the awesome breakfast. Hahaha.
And because we are too early, we had our breakfast at the bus and it's really not bad. 
When we arrived at Nuvali, I can say that this place has been well developed. I never expected that we are going to see this kind of view in Laguna. Poor thing, we didn't took a lot of pictures of the place because we are busy figuring out how to go to Republic Wave Park. 

Good thing we asked those bikers we passed by of what do we need to do and where to get a ride. People here are very nice and as you can see they even asked to take a pictures with us. Actually this is what I love in exploring, you'll meet a new people and friends. :)
We took the shuttle and pay P20 only.

And finally, we arrive at the place. Just a reminder, bringing in of food and drinks are not allowed because they serve food inside but don't worry it is not that expensive unless you have a car and you can leave it there at the parking area. 

As we reach the place, we went to the information area for our registration. Rates are the following:
1 hour pass -  P250
2 hour pass - P475
4 hour pass - P595
8 hour pass - P995
Day & Night pass - P1,500
Night riding pass P595
Private Cable rent - P800/hour
VIP Pass - Free!

Unlimited Riding Package

1 Week unlimited - P5,000
1 month unlimited P15,000
3 months unlimited P24,000
6 months unlimited P35,000
1 year unlimited (cash) - P55,000
1 year unlimited (monthly) P60,000

And because this is our first time, we took the 4 hour pass and includes helmet, board and life vest. Aside from the ratings above, we have also deposited 800 pesos each (Wristband-P200 plus Life Vest and Helmet - P600). This deposit is refundable. It was returned to us after we had brought back the gears at the counter and at the end of our play. This deposit will become a fee in case the user damage or didn't return the gears.

The other side of plain course area. We chose to stay here because of the lesser people
After gearing up, we proceed to the activity. The area has two parts, the Pro wakeboards (with ramps and obstacles) and the other is for the beginners which plain course only and we belong to the plain course. Hahaha. 

It's tougher as we thought but it is similar with surfing. You really must have a balance. Good thing we tried surfing before this. 

This is short clip of our Nuvali Trip. 

Overall, we enjoyed our trip here at Nuvali and we will definitely go back again soon. 

Important Reminder: 
There are no lockers at the park so you need to be mindful with your belongings.

For inquiries, 
Contact Republic Wavepark @